New Online Registration - Save Money!
We are endeavoring to make registration as easy as possible for you and your school this year. You can fill out this simple online form, calculate your attendance cost and mail a check or bring your check to the conference when you arrive and sign in. If you would still like to register using the printed form, you may download that form below. We would love your feedback as well on this new option. See you soon!
Attendance Rates
Note: If you register online through October 16th, you will get the discount if you mail or bring the check with you upon arrival. Thanks!
Online on or before October 11 (Don’t Miss This Savings) ($45) x_______ = $_______
After October 11 ($50) x_______ = $_______
Please plan to bring a check made out to MAACS with you for the amount due.
After October 11 ($50) x_______ = $_______
Please plan to bring a check made out to MAACS with you for the amount due.